Web Developer

This roadmap was created to to help aspiring developers use Udemy resources in a linear path to become employed in the industry. I am personally a self-taught developer that used Udemy to ramp up on many required skills needed get my foot in the door.

The path is flexible when it comes to choosing a course within each step.

Basics (Choose one)

Colt Steele's Bootcamp
Angela Yu Bootcamp

You have now learned the basics of web development and have gotten a grasp on HTML, CSS, JS and more. Now is the time to create a personal project that's interesting to you, whether that is a small tool you could use, dashboard, or quirky/fun like a pokedex using the pokemon API.
Project-based learning is CRUCIAL to your success. To be vicorious after this Udemy curriculum, you will need to create projects as you continue learning new skills.

Version Control (Choose one)

The Git & Github Bootcamp
Git & GitHub - The Practical Guide

This is a good time to go back to one of your previously created projects and use the git knowledge you just learned to create a new feature by first creating a new branch and then once your feature is finished, merge your feature branch into main branch. Play around with merging, reconciling conflicts and rebasing.

Frontend Framework (Choose one)

React Framework
Vue Framework
Angular Framework

This is a good time to go back to one of your previously created projects and use the git knowledge you just learned to create a new feature by first creating a new branch and then once your feature is finished, merge your feature branch into main branch. Play around with merging, reconciling conflicts and rebasing.

Backend Framework (Choose one)

Node / Express (JS)
Vue Framework
Angular Framework